Sessions with Rich Berry at Bend Breathwork

The Oxygen Advantage breathing training, developed by Patrick McKeown, is a system that aims to optimize breathing patterns and increase oxygen utilization in the body. It incorporates a combination of breathing exercises, breath-hold techniques, and physical activity to improve overall health and performance.

Benefits of Oxygen Advantage:

It is important to note that the benefits of the Oxygen Advantage system may vary for each individual, and it is recommended to consult with a qualified instructor or healthcare professional before starting any breathing training program.

  • By improving oxygen uptake and delivery to muscles, the Oxygen Advantage system can help athletes increase their endurance, stamina, and overall performance.

  • The system focuses on correcting dysfunctional breathing patterns, such as mouth breathing and over-breathing, and promotes nasal breathing. This can lead to improved lung capacity, better oxygenation of the blood, and reduced breathlessness during physical activities.

  • The techniques taught in the Oxygen Advantage system can help regulate the body's stress response, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. It emphasizes diaphragmatic breathing, which activates the body's relaxation response and helps manage stress levels.

  • The system includes specific breathing exercises that can help individuals improve their sleep quality. By promoting nasal breathing and optimizing breathing patterns, it can reduce snoring, sleep apnea, and other sleep-related breathing disorders.

  • Proper breathing techniques can improve oxygen delivery to the brain, enhancing cognitive function, focus, and mental clarity. It can also help reduce brain fog and improve overall concentration.

  • The Oxygen Advantage system can be beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and allergies. It aims to strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve lung function, leading to better respiratory health.

  • By optimizing oxygen utilization in the body, the Oxygen Advantage system can boost energy levels and reduce fatigue. It promotes efficient breathing, allowing the body to utilize oxygen more effectively and produce energy more efficiently.

The Oxygen Advantage breathing system, developed by Patrick McKeown, is a scientifically-backed approach that aims to improve your health, performance, and overall wellbeing through specific exercises that manipulate your breathing patterns.

To understand the benefits Oxygen Advantage, we need to understand the process first.

The Oxygen Advantage system primarily focuses on nasal breathing and breath holding exercises. Nasal breathing is encouraged because our nose is specially designed for respiration. It filters, warms, and humidifies the air, reducing the risk of airborne pathogens entering our lungs. Additionally, it also facilitates the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that plays a vital role in oxygen absorption in our lungs.

Breath holding exercises, on the other hand, are designed to increase CO2 tolerance. Many people think CO2 is just a waste product, but it plays a significant role in our bodies. It helps to release oxygen from hemoglobin, a process known as the Bohr effect. By increasing our tolerance to CO2, we can optimize our oxygen use.

Oxygen Advantage with Bend Breathwork

Benefits of Oxygen Advantage:

  • Regular practice of Oxygen Advantage exercises can improve sleep, energy levels, and immune function, and can help manage conditions like asthma. It can also regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels, contributing to overall good health.

  • The way we breathe directly impacts our nervous system. Slow, deep breathing can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. On the other hand, shallow, rapid breathing can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, preparing our body for action.

  • By improving our oxygen efficiency, we can enhance our athletic performance. We can increase our stamina, reduce breathlessness during high-intensity workouts, and speed up recovery after exercise.

  • Oxygen Advantage exercises can also enhance our cognitive performance. By regulating our breath, we can achieve a state of flow, also known as being "in the zone." This state facilitates better focus, clarity, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

  • These exercises can be beneficial for individuals suffering from respiratory issues, sleep apnea, anxiety, and even cardiovascular diseases.

The Oxygen Advantage breathing system is a powerful tool that can help us optimize our health, focus, and performance, and manage various medical conditions. It's a testament to the old saying, "The breath is the king of the mind." And as we continue to learn more about the brain and body, it's clear that these types of practices are not just beneficial but essential for optimal health and performance.

Schedule an Oxygen Advantage Session with Rich at Bend Breathwork below.